@corresponding autor, *equal contribution

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Delivery of a sebum modulator by an engineered skin microbe in mice

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  1. Rueff AS, van Raaphorst R, Aggarwal S, Santos-Moreno J, Laloux G, Schaerli Y, Weiser JN, Veening JW.

Synthetic genetic oscillators demonstrate the functional importance of phenotypic variation in pneumococcal-host interactions

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  1. Li Y, Santos-Moreno J, Francetic O.

The periplasmic coiled coil formed by assembly platform proteins PulL and PulM is critical for function of the Klebsiella type II secretion system

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  1. Santos-Moreno J*, Tasiudi E*, Kusumawardhani A, Stelling J, Schaerli Y.

Robustness and innovation in synthetic genotype networks