Spontaneous application

Applications from potential PhD candidates or post-docs are welcome.

Please send a motivation letter, your CV, and the contact details of three references to Javier Santos Moreno.

Open positions


The candidate will work on designing and building synthetic gene circuits to program time in cells, and on characterizing these circuits, fine-tuning them, and connecting them to other circuits / actuator modules.

Find details here and apply before June 2nd, 2024

J Santos Moreno - ERC postdoc offer.pdf

PhD 1

The candidate will work on designing and building synthetic gene circuits to program time in cells, and on characterizing these circuits, fine-tuning them, and connecting them to other circuits / actuator modules.

Find details here and apply before June 2nd, 2024

J Santos Moreno - ERC PhD offer.pdf

PhD 2

The candidate will work on developing molecular tools to control and program the behaviour of non-model skin bacteria, on using these tools to develop strains with diagnostic and therapeutic capacity, and on characterizing the potential of the synthetic strains.

Find details here and apply before June 2nd, 2024